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New Guardians Angels for Queen of Angels Church

INSTALLATION OF GUARDIANS - Eight New Guardian Angels - Altar Servers, will be installed Queen of Angels Church, Sunday, December 15th at the 12PM Mass.
Organized by Q of A Youth Ministry and the G. A. Team, lead by Jude Christian, Danny Cruz, Martin Cruz, Jules Fuentes, Jessica Peralta, Loraine Schmucker, Santino Jose Fuentes, Adriana Gugliucciello, Fatima Caravantes, Milagros, Anai Cruz, Tatiana Leon, and Silvian Virvescu - these New Servers will be blessed and presented by Fr. Brian P. Dowd to encourage youth to respond to this Parish Service.
The Altar Servers have been around for a long time at Queen of Angels, but 10 years, during the transition between Fr. Vincent Daly’s accepting his new assignment, and Fr. Brian P. Dowd becoming our new pastor, The G. A. Corp - Altar Servers were born. Three friends who served as Altar Servers, wanted to create a system that would encourage youth to grow in devotion to the Mass, and service to the Church. Together, with the Office of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry, the three men worked on building the G. A. Corp to what it is today.
Youth are invited to participate in the G. A. Corp at 3rd grade (right after receiving First Holy Communion). Youth are also invited through Queen of Angel’s Parish Network, which brings together the Faith Formation, youth groups, adult groups and ministries, and so much more.
New members of the G. A. Corp are given Catechesis, specifically on the Mass, training, and are tested every week for 1 year. As members become Veterans, and enter High School, they are given the opportunity to join the Leadership Team, become members of our Sacristy Team, Parish Office Team as receptionists, or Facility Management Team as seasonal Custodian support. We also encourage them to consider Priesthood, Religious Life, or Marriage.
For more information on Queen of Angels Guardian Angel Corp Altar Servers, contact us at: 718-937-5174 /


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