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Showing posts from January, 2020

Queen of Angels & St Teresa's Join Together for the March For Life

QUEEN OF ANGELS & ST TERESA Join together for the March for Life at Washington D.C. Friday January 24th 2020. We March to Protect and Support the Rights of the Unborn, for Families who need resources to build their future, for the sick, and for the elderly. Ticket is $13 / Space is Limited! Register Today. Stay tuned for more on this post, for details, pictures, videos and more. Join us on our Pilgrimage!

The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord - Thinking of Baptism for your Child?

THINKING ABOUT BAPTIZING YOUR CHILD? Before the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, the priests and lay leadership invite parishioners to consider bringing their children to Baptism. Now is a great time to bring your child to Jesus through the   http:// sacraments/ English-Baptismal-Program/  . For more information, contact the Office of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry @ 718-937-5174. Sacrament of Baptism. Queen of Angels Church celebrates the Sacrament of Baptism on the First Sunday of Every Month. Visit our Rectory Office and inquire about Baptism for your child by speaking with a Priest, or the Director/Coordinator of Faith Formation. Try our Online Application Form by visiting our website # WeAreQueenOfAngels # QofASunnysideNY # BrooklynCatholic