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Prayers for the soul of Sr. Mary Robertine Olson, RSM

ANGELICUS NEWS - With sadness in our hearts, we mourn the passing of Sister Mary Robertine Olson, Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy. Sr. Robertine passed suddenly on Wednesday, July 10th, 2019. The Wake Service and Mass were celebrated at the Sisters of Mercy Convent. Sr. Robertine was buried at Interment St. Charles Cemetery in Farmingdale, NY.

Here's what a fellow parishioner, Mrs Bernadette Reddington (Member of the Parish Pastoral Council) wrote about Sr. Robertine:

     If ever we had a Pillar of the Church, Queen of Angels, we had Sr. Robertine.  Sadly we lost a hero, but Heaven gained a true champion. 

      Sr. Robertine grew up in Woodside, went to St. Sebastian school, she was a Sister of Mercy and taught at Queen of Angels School for over 40 years, she taught hundreds of children, not only did she teach academics she taught, spirituality, ethics and values, she was a hands on person, playing ball and other sports with the children, shaping them for the future.

     Sr. Robertine also had a great compassion for the sick, elderly, homebound and dying, she developed a vibrant Pastoral Care program at Queen of Angels with many participants, being Eucharist Ministers and home visits with such tremendous value. We would visit many homebound, one in particular Anne Dean who was bed ridden for over 20 years – Sr. Robertine would visit her very often before she died and her face would light up with Joy when Sr. Robertine walked in.

     Sr. Robertine was also a member of the New Life Prayer Group (Queen of Angels) for over 25 years and she was a leader encouraging all to come closer of JESUS.

     Sr. Robertine lived her FAITH on the outside, these past few years she was not in good health and was sent to Maria Regina, Brentwood.

     One time many years ago, Sr. Robertine told me she would love to be waked at Queen of Angels church and of course funeral Mass at Queen of Angels, we were her family, that was not to be – but we hope to have a Memorial Mass Tribute to Sr. Robertine in September/October, we will pray her farewell from her favorite church Queen of Angels.

     May JESUS welcome our dear friend Sr. Robertine and Queen of Angels escort her Home.

     Thank you JESUS for the Gift of our dear friend, Sr. Robertine.

If you wish to offer your condolences, prayers, and/or Mass cards, or donations, please contact or write to:

Sisters of Mercy – Mid Atlantic Community
150 Ridge Road
Hartsdale, NY 10530

You can pass by Queen of Angels Rectory to request a Mass Card in honor of Sr. Robertine during Office Hours – Click on the link for Schedule.

Our prayers are with Sr. Robertine, her family, and the Sisters of Mercy.

May Your Soul, Sr. Mary Robertine Olson,
and all the souls of the faithful departed,
through the Mercy of God,
rest in peace.


Queen of Angels, Pray for Her.
All you Angels & Saints, Pray for Her

For more information on the Sisters of Mercy, Click on their website!


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