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Showing posts from December, 2019

Our Christmas Journey, & more!

OUR CHRISTMAS JOURNEY doesn’t stop on December 25th - it keeps going! Join us for some of our most beautiful feasts during the Christmas Season! Click on the link to find more! HEADS UP! Want to learn English? Want to receive the Sacraments Baptism, Communion, & Confirmation? - REGISTER TODAY! ESL PROGRAM: QUEEN OF ANGELS FAITH FORMATION: # WeAreQueenOfAngels # SomosReinaDeLosAngeles # ChristmasAtQofA # QofASunnysideNY # BrooklynCatholic

Volunteer Lunch - Honoring the Three Kings and those who serve at Q of A

Each year, our Pastor, the Very Rev. Brian P. Dowd, has brought a tradition to Queen of Angels, to honor those who served the years with Queen of Angels Church. We remember their dedication, and continued support of each member in our Catholic Community. Parishioners who are Leaders & Volunteers can pick up a ticket for the Parish Volunteer Luncheon. Please remember: 1. You must pick up a ticket for yourself. If you are unable to come, do not take a ticket and give it to a friend. It is import that you return the ticket. You can give it to a member of your group who could not get a ticket - but call Mrs Tamayo (Parish Secretary) to inform her a member of your group is coming in your pl ace. 2. One ticket per person, and you must fill out the Full Name, Address, Telephone#, Language, & Ministry. You cannot pick up multiple tickets for your group. Please help us to get the word out by CLICKING ON THE PIC, and saving it to your mobile device, and send the flyer through t...

The "Posada Familiar" - Preparing for the Birth of our Lord

On Sunday, December 15th, members of the Familiar de Nazaret - one of Queen of Angels Youth Groups, celebrated with families from our Latin@ community, in preparation for the Birth of Jesus. Leadership and parents put together a night of praise, worship, reflection, food, fun and games. Click on this video from Facebook . For more information on Familiar de Nazaret, or Queen of Angels Youth Ministry, call 718-392-0011 and speak with someone at Queen of Angels Office of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry. # WeAreQueenOfAngels # SomosReinaDeLosAngeles # OurAdventJourneyQofA # ChristmasAtQofA # QofASunnysideNY # BrooklynCatholic

New Guardians Angels for Queen of Angels Church

INSTALLATION OF GUARDIANS - Eight New Guardian Angels - Altar Servers, will be installed Queen of Angels Church, Sunday, December 15th at the 12PM Mass. Organized by Q of A Youth Ministry and the G. A. Team, lead by Jude Christian, Danny Cruz, Martin Cruz, Jules Fuentes, Jessica Peralta, Loraine Schmucker, Santino Jose Fuentes, Adriana Gugliucciello, Fatima Caravantes, Milagros, Anai Cruz, Tatiana Leon, and Silvian Virvescu - these New Servers will be blessed and presented  by Fr. Brian P. Dowd to encourage youth to respond to this Parish Service. The Altar Servers have been around for a long time at Queen of Angels, but 10 years, during the transition between Fr. Vincent Daly’s accepting his new assignment, and Fr. Brian P. Dowd becoming our new pastor, The G. A. Corp - Altar Servers were born. Three friends who served as Altar Servers, wanted to create a system that would encourage youth to grow in devotion to the Mass, and service to the Church. Together, with the Office ...

Advent Season in Sunnyside - Join us!

ADVENT SEASON IN SUNNYSIDE continues to be a blessed time! Stay up to date, and check out some of the activities and events going on at Queen of Angels Church.…/Q…/Flyer/AdventJourney.pdf Remember,  # WeAreQueenOfAngels # QofASunnysideNY # BrooklynCatholic

A Blessed Award!

A BLESSED AWARD was received by Mr  Theodore Musco , Director of the School of Evangelization for the Diocese of Brooklyn. Mr. Musco received the Queenship of Mary Award for his work in forming lay leadership for our Diocese. This is a blessing for our Diocese and for his team! We at Queen of Angels want to wish Mr. Musco and his team are in our prayers. For more info, check our the article on the Tablet. Queen of Angels, pray for Mr Musco and the School of Evangelization!

Our Advent Journey - Marian Recollection

On Sunday, December 8th, members of the Parish Council worked on putting together a Recollection Day for Parishioners on the Doctrine and Feast of the Immaculate Conception - In English and Spanish. Pat Connolly, the one who gave the idea, helped us to put together this event, so that Parishioner would not only join in celebration as a community, but experience the teachings of the Church. A re-evangelization! Guest speakers were Msgr Jonas Achacoso (Parochial Vicar), and Dr. Conrado Gomez (Catechist Trainer).  # OurAdventJourneyQofA # WeAreQueenOfAngels # SomosReinaDeLosAngeles # QofASunnysideNY # BrooklynCatholic

What do you get....

when you bring together the Confirmation and Youth Ministry during Christmas?! A loud Blessing! From Queen of Angels to your family, a blessed Advent & Merry Christmas! See the video!

Blessing the Christmas Tree & Nativity Scene in Sunnyside

A crowd gathered at the Sunnyside Reformed Church, in hopes to receive a blessing from Religious Leaders of 4 different Churches in the Sunnyside - one of them being Queen of Angels Church. The crowd prayed and sang Christmas songs, as they walked down Skillman Avenue to receive another blessing of the Manger Scene that faces the Avenue. To see part of the blessing at Queen of Angels, check out this site on Facebook.