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Showing posts from April, 2019

Helping the Needy - Used Medical Equipment

Queen of Angels receives donations from family and friends of the Community. In this post, you will Medical Equipment that you, your family, or a friend may need. We will keep you updated every week on items received.  All items are for FREE! If you wish to give a donation, feel free - it will go to supporting those in need. Here is our list of items: 1. Large Wheel Chair - Fair Condition (Needs 1 Handle Grip and Seat Belt) 2. Large Wheel Chair - Excellent Condition (Needs Seat Belt) 3. Walker - Excellent Condition 4. Steel Folding Commode - Excellent Condition and Sterilized. To reserve one of these items, copy the item you need, click on CONTACT Paste it on our online form, and make sure you indicate your Name and Telephone Number.

Our Lenten Journey - Palm Sunday and more

Lent brings us closer to the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord - This Saturday, and Sunday, join us in celebrating our Lord's Journey into Jerusalem - the City of Peace. Queen of Angels will be publishing a new bulletin cover for Palm Sunday. Here is a look at the sample cover. Tell what you think under the Comment Section below. Here's what you'll find in our next bulletin issue for Palm Sunday: 1. A schedule for Palm Sunday Masses 2. A promotion for our Spanish Charismatic Retreat on Saturday 3. A Schedule for Holy Week, which also includes the Schedule for the First Friday Procession. 4. Our Day of Penance 5. Reflections, activities, and events for the month. We are excited about celebrating our Life in Christ, and so very enthusiastic about honoring Queen of Angels, who prays for us during this Lenten Journey. Spread the word to family, friends, and neighbor about the Journey. You can copy the links and share with them through email, text, or on...

Our Lenten Recollection - With Msgr Jonas Achacoso

OUR LENTEN RECOLLECTION - With Msgr Jonas Achacoso. Topic: “The Singular Phenomenon of Jesus’ Resurrection.” Part 1 & 2 #OurLentenJourneyQofA #HolyWeekAtQofA #QofASunnysideNY #BrooklynCatholic

Our Lenten Mission - A series of talks at Queen of Angels

If you have never seen some of our talks during the Lenten Season, here are series of videos we've posted up in the past for our Lenten Journey. Check it out, and share it with family & friends.